Monday, September 24, 2007

In which a blog is created and a first post is made.

Out of the frigid northlands he came, a land so cold that the sidewalks could not be used as skillets. A land with air so dry you had to use a faucet to fill a glass. The golden umbrella protecting against the elements from above, the golden parachute protecting against gravity from below.

And away from the frigid northlands, he explored--an epic journey that took him to the heart--well, off to the side so maybe the lung--of the continent. Through this large ethereal land, he followed his lone star--the sword of imagination in one hand, the shield of perseverence in the other, and donning the armor of looking-both-ways-before-crossing-the-street.

He vowed to right wrongs, bring knowledge to the curious, and make his next blog entry far less cryptic.

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