Friday, October 2, 2009


I have not to any real degree studied genealogy.

If I were to do so... three of my first steps would be:

1. Talk to my wife about how best to go about researching genealogy. She has done so extensively and could provide me with the specific and personalized tricks and hints that wouldn't come together as cohesively from a more generic source.

2. Decide what it is I want to research, what my goals are. If I just want more information about my ancestors then I probably can get more of what I need from just glancing at trees my wife has all ready created. If I want the experience of researching genealogy then I might wish to intentionally ignore resources she has all ready uncovered for the sake of coming up with them on my own. Picking the best path to my destination requires figuring out what that destination is.

3. Look through the genealogy folders my grandfather put together way back when. There is a great font of family information there.

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