Saturday, October 13, 2007

#10 Which is of course not the 10th post, because that would make too much sense.

So far, the avatar-makers have been a matter of 'take what we give you.' Plus yahoo caught me by surprise--I managed to get something vaguely barbarianesque together with a library background and only then discovered that it wouldn't post to my blog (or maybe it can but I haven't discovered how). In any case I made a meez which is up at the top of the page now. Doesn't really feet the theme of the blog though, but we take what we can get.

I think I've just figured the magazine make out well enough to make book covers with it. But everything keeps throwing the same lack of flexibility at me. Which I guess is to be expected.


ctechnonot said...

I meant to ask you how does one go about creating a blog that several people can use and post on? I know you are really busy, but if you get a chance, please let me know. Hope you are having a great MONDAY! :-)

Conan the Librarian said...

Okay--new territory for me but, it looks like you go to 'settings' and within there 'permissions'. I would test it out (created a new blog just for that) but I guess I need to enter an e-mail address of the person authorized to post to it, and I don't know any.

ctechnonot said...

Thank you! I will let you know how it goes...:-)